Many Perfect Patients clients are the targets of discount website providers who attempt to lure you away with lower pricing (it’s actually true that you get what you pay for) or dangling a variety of “shiny objects” that chiropractors find interesting—but new patients rarely use.

Your Perfect Patients website can support countless features.
“If you sell supplements, you should have an online store for your patients,” they purr. The fact is, you can have a web store on your Perfect Patients website if you wish. It’s not a standard offering because you’d have to sell thousands of dollars of product online each month to justify all the fees between the gateway account, merchant fees and shopping cart costs.
“If you recommend exercises for your patients they should be on your website,” the salesperson croons. Again, at first glance this makes sense. Only problem is, most patients don’t visit a website to do “homework” assignments. Worse, without monitoring them, they often do the exercises incorrectly!
While your Perfect Patients website can support these and countless other features, we’ve opted not to include them in our offering because they don’t help you get or keep more new patients. However, if you wish to add them to your site, we’re happy to do so. Just let us know.