woman texting in a hurry

A Race Against Time: How to Turn Google & Facebook Ad Leads Into New Patients

Randi Grant

By Randi Grant

Marketing Manager

Published September 10, 2024

3 min read

In digital marketing, generating leads with Facebook and Google Ads is just the beginning. The real win – and the biggest reward – comes from turning those leads into new patients for your chiropractic practice.

Here’s the catch: The longer you wait to contact a lead, the less likely they are to become an actual patient. Why? Because they’re likely “shopping around” and exploring multiple options. You want to be the first practice that responds. And when your leads are generated from paid sources like Facebook and Google Ads, you can’t afford to let them slip through the cracks.

But here’s the good news: with a strong, consistent follow-up process, you can significantly boost your conversion rate. Below, we outline a proven follow-up sequence to help you make the most of every opportunity.

Day 1:
Immediate Follow-Up – Strike While the Iron is Hot!

📥 Email (Sent a soon as possible):

  • Subject: “Welcome to [Your Practice Name] – Here’s What to Expect!”
  • Content: Send a warm, welcoming email that introduces your practice and the chiropractor. Briefly outline what they can expect during their first visit and include a clear call to action with a link to schedule their appointment.

📱 SMS (Text sent within 1 hour):

  • Message: “Hi [Name], thank you for reaching out to [Your Practice Name]. We’re excited to help you! Schedule your first visit here: [Link]. Feel free to reply to this message with any questions.”

☎️ Phone Call (Within 4 hours):

  • Objective: Confirm receipt of their inquiry and assist in booking their first appointment.
  • Script: “Hi [Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Practice Name]. I just wanted to personally thank you for reaching out to us. I’d love to help you book your first appointment. Do you have a few minutes to discuss what times work best for you?”

Day 2: Keep the Momentum Going

📥 Follow-Up Email:

  • Subject: “Let’s Get You Started on Your Journey to Better Health”
  • Content: Reiterate the benefits of chiropractic care and share a patient success story or testimonial. Encourage them to book their first appointment or reply with any questions.

Day 3: Gentle Reminder

📱 SMS Reminder:

  • Message: “Hi [Name], just a friendly reminder to book your first visit with [Your Practice Name]. We’re here to help you get started on your path to better health: [Link].”

Day 5: Second Phone Call – Persistence Pays Off

☎️ Phone Call Follow-Up:

  • Objective: A final attempt to connect and offer assistance.
  • Script: “Hi [Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Practice Name] again. I wanted to check in and see if you had any questions about chiropractic care or booking your first appointment. We’re here to help whenever you’re ready.”

Day 7: Last Push to Convert

📥 Final Follow-Up Email:

  • Subject: “Last Chance to Claim [Special Offer]”
  • Content: Include a limited-time offer or incentive (e.g., a discount on the first visit). Emphasize the importance of starting their care journey and provide a final call to action to book the appointment.

Ongoing: Nurture with Monthly Campaigns

couple smiling and looking at tabletKeep the conversation going even if they haven’t booked their appointment.

Add them to a monthly email campaign that shares valuable tips on spinal health, patient success stories, and other engaging content. Include gentle reminders that it’s never too late to book their first appointment.


A Successful Follow-Up Process Includes…

  • Personalization: Always address the patient by name and reference any specific concerns they mentioned and/or the topic of the ad they responded to. Personalized communication feels more genuine and builds trust.
  • Timing: Quick and consistent follow-ups are crucial. Aim to reach out within the first hour and maintain consistent communication throughout the week.
  • Value-Driven Content: Your follow-ups should provide useful information, not just promotional messages. Educate potential patients on the benefits of chiropractic care and share testimonials to build credibility.
  • Incentives: Offering something extra, like a discount or a free consultation, can encourage them to take the next step.

The Bottom Line: Process Equals Patients

By implementing a structured follow-up process, your practice is more likely to see an increase in conversion rates and build stronger relationships with new patients right from the start.

Don’t let those hot leads go cold – make your follow-up count!

Need help crafting the perfect scripts or email templates? If you’re a Perfect Patients Premium or Ultimate client, reach out to your Digital Marketing Specialist for support! Not a client yet or feel like it might be time for an upgrade? Book a free Discovery Call today!