Are Your Pay-Per-Click Ads
Request a Free, No-Obligation Evaluation of Your Current AdWords Campaign
Let the Perfect Patients team of Certified Google AdWords Specialists review your existing AdWords campaigns and look for efficiencies and performance improvements:
- Keyword Research – Are you bidding on the most profitable keywords?
- Compelling Ad Text – Is the call-to-action prompting readers to click?
- Quality Score – Is a poor quality score costing you more per click?
- Cost-per-Click – Are high click costs exhausting your daily budget?
- Landing Pages – Are you incorrectly sending clicks to your home page?

We’ll walk through a checklist of common mistakes and oversights. During a quick 15-minute follow-up phone call you’ll learn what we found and what can be done without cost or obligation.
We almost always find ways to save money and improve performance.