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Stop Worrying About Going Viral – 5 Tips for Creating Engaging Chiropractic Instagram Content

Angela Hockabout

By Angela Hockabout

Published May 13, 2024

6 min read

Everyone wants their Instagram content to go viral, but is going viral actually the best way for chiropractors to reach their business goals?

You might be thinking: “What’s not to like about going viral? Viral content shows millions of people around the world how valuable chiropractic care can be!”

Here’s the thing: you’re not competing with every chiropractor in the world for new patients. You’re competing with the other chiropractors in your neighborhood.

Keep your social media marketing focus local. After all, your goal is helping more patients in your community.

If you had a video go viral, reaching hundreds of thousands of viewers, could your office handle the influx of calls that could result in? For most, the answer is no. You want locals clicking that “book now” button so you can fill your schedule in a realistic way.

Instead, have fun creating deeply relatable Instagram content that naturally makes people want to share your passion for chiropractic; but keep your eye on the ball with realistic goals.

Molly CahillHolistic marketer, Molly Cahill, is an expert on Instagram content that resonates. She works with chiropractors and natural health professionals all over to develop an authentic social media presence that actually results in more new patients through your door . She kindly joined us on this recent webinar to share some of her best chiropractic Instagram strategies.

Don’t have time to catch the webinar? No worries! Here are some of our favorite takeaways for creating engaging chiropractic content on Instagram:


1. Share Content For Every Step of The New Patient Journey

You might not realize that your new patient is on a journey.

It might go something like this:

  1. A person realizes their energy levels have dipped and their body isn’t performing optimally.
  2. They search online for their symptoms and explore potential causes.
  3. Further research leads them to discover that chiropractic care could offer a natural, drug-free solution.
  4. They decide to find a chiropractor and research potential providers.
  5. They finally schedule an appointment.

Given the example above, here are some post ideas that could help a patient find you during their journey:

  • A testimonial post that talks about a patient’s experience with fatigue and how chiropractic has helped.
  • An educational post about why someone in your target demographic might be experiencing fatigue – new moms might be exhausted from lack of sleep, other women might be experiencing perimenopause. Just ask yourself what your ideal patient might be experiencing and make a post about it!
  • An Explanatory post that shows how a chiropractor can help with energy levels and fatigue.
  • A personal post from the doctor explaining their own chiropractic journey and how they decided to become a chiropractic provider.
  • A cross-promotional post with another local wellness provider (dentist, acupuncturist, massage therapist, spa owner, stylist) that talks about the care that they received.
  • Promotional posts that encourage your audience to take the next step, while also saving some money in an amazingly compelling special offer (what can you promote so that your ideal patient can’t say no?)

2. Vary Your Content To Amplify Your Message

You might have noticed in the examples above that there are many perspectives from which to share content. Telling your story in different ways keeps your Instagram from becoming stale and keeps you from simply repeating yourself.

Include educational posts, social proof (like reviews), direct calls-to-action, personal lifestyle content, and engaging prompts/questions. Variety keeps people interested.

  • Educational – Sharing information that helps your audience understand chiropractic care, their bodies, and any symptoms that they might be experiencing.
  • Social Proof – Testimonials and reviews from your satisfied patients (with their permission) help others trust in your care.
  • Promotional – Posts that get down to brass tacks and invite your ideal patient to book an appointment, whether you have unexpected availability due to an appointment cancellation, or a special offer that your patient shouldn’t miss!
  • Personal Lifestyle – It’s so important to be relatable on Instagram. Sharing your own personal faves in your feed that your ideal patient might also enjoy helps patients come to anticipate your posts. Share your favorite new products, local restaurants and partner businesses. Your morning routine or favorite healthy lunch. People love a glimpse into the life of the person behind the account. It makes you human and relatable.

3. Remember Your “Why”

It’s easy to become disconnected from your true chiropractic purpose when you’re running a business. There are so many logistical tasks, that you’re focused on the practical and not the aspirational. When planning your Instagram marketing, take a moment to reconnect with your “why”.

Remember what inspired you to become a chiropractor in the first place and what your hopes are for your ideal patient. This is central to your life’s purpose! When those ideas are your guiding light, it suddenly becomes easier to brainstorm content that authentically resonates.

Reflect on your core mission. Keeping this front-of-mind will motivate you and ensure your content feels purposeful rather than like a chore.

4. Build Visibility Through Collaboration and Community

People sitting around a table holding their cell phones out.Two heads are better than one!

Your practice is part of a local business ecosystem. Chances are your new patients are already a patron of other lifestyle and wellness services like hair stylists, nail techs, spas, and gyms. Collaborating with those similarly minded business owners extends your Instagram audience!

Plus, posting in tandem with those business owners heightens goodwill and makes it more likely that those other business owners will refer you when they feel that their clients are interested in improving their health.

You can even take that collaboration to the next level and organize in-person events that you can promote on Instagram! Organize a local business crawl where visitors can check out special products and offers. Offer a raffle prize to visitors so that you can collect names, emails and phone numbers to add to your marketing list for future promotions.

5. Actively Engage With Your Instagram Community

Don’t Just Post – actively engage by commenting on others’ content, using relevant hashtags, and networking face-to-face with local businesses. This builds your presence and draws new eyes to your page.

Ask Engaging Prompts/Questions – Don’t post in a vacuum! Do what you can to encourage conversations with your audience. Which is the best flavor of ice cream? Who has the best pizza in town? If you ask any chiropractic-related questions, be sure to do so in ways that make it clear that any respondents adhere to any HIPAA rules.

Developing a strategic yet flexible approach like this will help you create Instagram content that truly resonates and converts new patients for your practice.


Looking for a Custom Instagram Marketing Strategy?

Reach out to Molly Cahill! She offers a comprehensive Instagram marketing program for chiropractors, their staff and other holistic wellness providers. Be sure to mention Perfect Patients to claim a special offer just for our readers.

Ensure Your Website Seals the Deal!

Engaging Instagram posts will inevitably lead to more traffic on your website. Make sure that your website is in tip top shape and able to convert those new visitors with vibrant photos, compelling content and easy website navigation.

Not sure if your website is up to the task? Reach out to Perfect Patients and we will do a free website evaluation!