Category Archives: Chiropractic Marketing

Thank You to Our Top 3 Referrers of All Time!

Referral patients are the best patients, aren’t they? We feel the same way about our amazing referral clients and are so grateful for each and every referral. That’s why we wanted to take a moment to acknowledge our top three referring clients of all time.

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Tips for a Thriving Practice During the Pandemic and Beyond [INFOGRAPHIC]

Many of our clients are recovering from the effects of the pandemic quickly and are generating more new patients than ever before by partnering with us on their digital marketing strategy. We’ve created the following infographic to offer some easy-to-implement ideas for a thriving practice during the pandemic and beyond.

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Gaining a Competitive Edge

What’s your unique selling proposition? Why should a new patient choose you over your competitor? If you’re having trouble answering that question, you’re not alone—but it is something you need to get a handle on in order to move forward with an effective marketing strategy. After all, new patients want to choose a chiropractor who […]

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3 Easy Steps to Reactivate Chiropractic Patients Today

No matter what’s going on in the world, your community, or your individual practice, there are always patients that need re-engaging. Whether it’s fear or they’re simply out of their normal routines, some patients haven’t been coming in for regular care and it’s time to bring them back. These three specific strategies will re-engage your […]

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4 Easy Ways to Improve Your Website & Appeal to More New Patients (+ printable digital marketing checklist)

Under normal circumstances, it can be hard to find the time to deep dive into your marketing strategy. Are you hoping to make the most of this unexpected downtime by tidying up your online presence but feeling overwhelmed? We’ve got your back. Use this simple guide to update your website and ensure your practice is […]

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The Top 5 Ways to Get More Chiropractic Patient Referrals

We spend a lot of time talking about the best ways to get new patients. And while there are a lot of digital marketing strategies you can (and should) be implementing to generate new patients, one of the best ways to get quality new patients who turn into loyal returning patients, is through referrals.

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