Category Archives: Chiropractic Marketing

Chiropractic Online Marketing [Infographic]

A successful online presence is much more than having a pretty website design. Sure, showing your phone number, address, and office hours in a centralized online location is important. But simply having a website will only get you so far. Your website is one among many other factors that go into building an online presence […]

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Get New Chiropractic Patients With Content Marketing

Is your website a valuable business tool, or is it merely a piece of digital art? If your practice website isn’t earning its keep, consider an objective look at the design of your website. And while the design component of a website is important, it’s only one factor that decides whether or not your online […]

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How to Shoot Patient Testimonial Videos From Your iPhone

Patient testimonial videos are one of the best ways to show prospective new patients that you have healthy, happy patients willing to attest to your chiropractic skills. These testimonials, if permitted in your jurisdiction, are excellent for enhancing your chiropractic website and building up a practice YouTube channel, both great opportunities for getting more new […]

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Handy Checklist For Getting Well and Staying Well

[INFOGRAPHIC]: Optimum health starts with an interference-free nervous system. But there’s more. Much more. So we’ve created this simple checklist with some of best ways to support your chiropractic care. It practically begs to be printed out and slipped under your favorite refrigerator magnet! Want high-quality and informative posts just like this published to your […]

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Penny Wise and Pound Foolish

I received a voice message this morning from a chiropractor in a major eastern city. “Hey Bill, I’m getting ready to import a really cool chair into the United States that I think chiropractic patients are going to love. Do you have any advice about how I can get the word out?” I get this […]

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Chiropractic Converts

The primary focus of is to engage people who don’t yet know that chiropractic can help resolve their health problems.  These potential chiropractic converts represent about 90% of people in your patient drawing area! However, to reach the 10% of people who are already chiropractic converts and simply want to find a new chiropractor […]

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