Category Archives: Chiropractic Marketing

Updating Your Website to Give Your Marketing a Boost

When was the last time you updated your website? Not just a “change the words on the home page and make sure your hours are accurate” kind of update but a “total website redesign, updated team pictures, and storytelling” kind of update. Today, websites only have a shelf life of 3-5 years. This isn’t just […]

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3 Ways to Make Resolutions Work For You

New Year’s Resolutions have become a staple of the month of January. Whether you choose to set resolutions personally or not, your chiropractic practice can use them to grow and expand each year. Here are a few ideas to implement this January to give your chiropractic marketing a boost. 1. Create a New Year’s Special […]

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How to Reach Out to Your Patients this New Year’s

2018 is here! Can you believe it? This time of year it seems everyone is thinking about their new health resolutions and goals. Take advantage of these renewed motivations by reaching out to both current and prospective patients over the next few weeks to build your chiropractic practice. Here are a few ideas you can […]

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Identifying Your Perfect Chiropractic Patient

Who is your perfect patient? This may not be something you’ve spent much time thinking about – but it should be. Knowing your perfect patient is key to creating a winning chiropractic marketing campaign. If the only goal of your current marketing plan is to reach anyone who is warmer than room temperature, that could […]

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