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Randi Grant

Randi Grant

High school English teacher turned writer and digital marketer who loves content creation, lead generation, A/B testing, and regular visits to the chiropractor.

Randi Grant

24 March 2017

March 2017 Chiropractic Scholarship Winner

Twice each year, Perfect Patients awards a $500 scholarship to the chiropractic student who best answers the following essay question: “What are the most important distinctions between chiropractic care and medical treatment and what challenges or opportunities do they create for chiropractors communicating with new patients?” We are pleased to announce Courtney Brandenburg as the […]

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Randi Grant

22 March 2017

Does Your Front Desk Convert New Patients?

Your office phone rings. Once, twice, three times. Who’s going to answer it? What are they going to say? Someone doesn’t become a patient once they decide to pick up the phone. Conversion occurs after someone talks to your front desk.

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Untitled design

Randi Grant

19 September 2016

2016 Chiropractic Scholarship Winner

Thank you to all of the students who entered our September 2016 Chiropractic Scholarship contest! Perfect Patients created the scholarship program to help students limit their debt as they pursue their dreams of working in the chiropractic profession. We are delighted to announce that we have chosen the recipient of the September 2016 $500 Perfect […]

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Randi Grant

5 August 2016

3 Things to Know about Local SEO

You are probably familiar with the most popular search engines, like Google and Bing. But did you know that these platforms have their own local search function?

To take advantage of this function, you first have to understand the basics of local search engine optimization (SEO).

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Randi Grant

28 September 2015

5 Simple Ways to Build Links Through Networking (+ Free Email Templates)

Link building. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. You’ve probably been encouraged to do it by your digital marketing provider and found yourself overwhelmed by the thought of it.
But you don’t have to be.
Here we’ll break down what link building really is (spoiler: it’s relationship building) and offer five simple strategies for getting new links.

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