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Empowering Female Chiropractors: Insights & Tips from the 2024 State of Chiropractic Survey

Perfect Patients Marketing Team

By Perfect Patients Marketing Team

Published June 24, 2024
Updated July 10, 2024

5 min read


Empowering Female Chiropractors: Insights and Tips from the 2024 State of Chiropractic Survey

The chiropractic field is changing. Our recent State of Chiropractic Survey revealed that 50% of new chiropractors (those with 1-3 years of experience) are women, a noticeable increase compared to the split among more experienced chiropractors. This 2024 Women in Chiropractic Report explores this shift and offers valuable advice for women looking to succeed in this dynamic profession…straight from female chiropractors themselves!

Women have been part of the chiropractic profession since its early days, even getting the chance to become Doctors of Chiropractic before they were allowed to become Medical Doctors. However, leadership roles and practice ownership has still often been dominated by men.

Today, only 31% of all chiropractic practices are owned by women, but our report indicates this could be changing as more women enter the field.

Most women in chiropractic work in supportive roles:

89% of practice managers are women.

94% of chiropractic assistants are women.

But things are changing:

More women are owning their own practices, with 56% of new practices in the last 1-3 years being opened by women.

Key Tips for Aspiring Female Chiropractors

As part of our 2024 State of the Industry Survey, we asked respondents: “If you could give an aspiring practice owner one piece of advice, what would it be?”

Here are 10 responses from female chiropractors that expressed sentiments shared by many:

1 Build Strong Networks
With Your Local Community

“Be patient, honest, consistent, kind, and work with other types of practitioners to make a trusted referral network.”

Networking is essential. Build relationships with other healthcare providers and beloved local businesses to create a strong referral network. This will not only boost your practice but also provide you with support, mentorship and community goodwill.

2 Become Committed to
Small Business Best Practices

“Take some business courses before opening up your practice and find a great accountant!”

Chiropractors get into the industry to help people, but high quality patient care requires the backing of efficient small business practices.

  • Take courses in business management, marketing and find a reliable accountant to help you navigate financial challenges.
  • Take advantage of opportunities to learn the ins and outs of running a business during your associateship.

3 Consider Buying an Existing Practice
(You Can Always Rebrand Later)

“Don’t start from scratch, buy or join an existing practice.”

Starting a practice from scratch can be overwhelming, especially if you’re in a competitive jurisdiction full of chiropractors. Consider buying or joining an existing practice to gain experience, reduce initial costs, and build a patient base more quickly.

While many aspiring chiropractors love the idea of creating their own brand from scratch, you can transition a practice to your vision over time with the help of a quality marketing partner.

4 Follow Your Passion To
Attract Your Ideal Patient

“Practice the way that brings you joy, not necessarily the way that will get you rich quick.”

Success isn’t just about making money; it’s about finding fulfillment in what you do. Focus on what you love about chiropractic care, and let that passion guide your practice. Take time to figure out the kind of care you want to offer and who will benefit most from that care.

These kinds of thought exercises will help you create persuasive branding that attracts your ideal patient.

5 Stay Connected to
Your Purpose and Yourself

“Consistently connect to your why. Why do you love being a chiropractor? And then connect to the patient’s why each time you connect with them.”

Remember why you chose this profession and connect with your patients’ needs and goals. This will strengthen your relationships with patients and enhance your practice, especially when encountering the inevitable challenges.

6 Set Financially Savvy Business
Goals and Stick to Them

“Keep debt down, talk to as many chiros/learn as much as you can.”

Money can be a sensitive issue for many, but confront your attitudes about finances early to create a resilient chiropractic business. Be conscious about taking on debt and ensuring that your fees pencil out. Utilize small business best practices and stick to them to establish rainy-day funds so that your business can weather any economic storm.

7 Specialize and Excel

“Find your niche of who you want to work with and become excellent with those people. Connect with them and learn how to communicate well so that they can relate to you and trust you.”

Specializing in a particular area can set you apart, but be sure to employ robust branding that celebrates your unique focus. Use your website, social media and email blasts to highlight your expertise in your niche and you’ll earn your new patient’s trust in no time.

8 A.B.L. – Always Be Learning

“Become an associate first to learn the ropes. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare because if you consistently work on your personal and business development, you will be successful by your definition of success, not others.”

While many chiropractors are skipping associateships to jump into the market, they might be losing valuable opportunities to gain valuable on-the-job expertise. Start as an associate to gain experience without the immediate pressures of ownership. Continuous learning and development will lead to long-term success.

9 Balance Work and Life

“It is important to maintain work/life balance to prevent burnout.”

When you’re a small business owner and a wellness practitioner you are everything to everybody, all the time. It’s easy to burn out! Work/life balance looks different than a trip to the spa! Set up business systems that are automated and can save you time. Hire employees and partners that deliver high value so that your time is spent on its best and highest use with plenty of room for rest.

10 Engage with Patients

“Love being with people. Be consistent with reaching new patients (whether it is through talks, expos, online info). Review your procedures (practice and patient management) regularly and adapt accordingly.”

Patient engagement is key to retention and satisfaction, but it doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Invest in specialized training to make the most of your emotional labor. Use texts, emails and social posts to connect with patients. Continuously improve your practice procedures so that building connection is your #1 priority.

Looking Ahead

It is encouraging to see female chiropractors increasingly taking on leadership roles and opening their own practices. By following the advice of seasoned practitioners, embracing continuous learning, and focusing on patient care and business acumen, we hope to see more ambitious female chiropractors not only succeed, but thrive in this exciting field.