two people looking at their phones

Your Google is Not the Same as My Google: The Filter Bubble & How to Reach New Patients

Randi Grant

By Randi Grant

Marketing Manager

Published October 7, 2024

3 min read

Have you ever noticed that when you search for something on Google — whether it’s “chiropractor near me” or “best restaurant for breakfast“— your results can look very different from someone else’s? This isn’t a glitch; search engines and social media platforms are intentionally designed this way.

This phenomenon is known as the filter bubble. And understanding it might help you attract more new patients to your practice.

What is the Filter Bubble?

The filter bubble is an aptly-named term coined back in 2011 to describe the personalized algorithms that decide what content you see online. Google, Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms use these algorithms to filter information shown to you based on your past behavior—such as search history, location, device type, and even the time of day you’re searching. The goal is to show you content they think you’ll find most engaging.

woman searching online from her phone

While this can make your online experience feel more tailored and relevant, it also means you’re seeing a highly curated slice of the internet.

Your version of the web becomes a “bubble,” containing information the algorithms decided would reinforce your existing preferences, interests, and beliefs.

Unfortunately, this can pose a problem when it comes to chiropractic marketing because the prospective patients you want to reach are seeing their own unique versions of the internet—bubbles that may or may not include you.

Your Google is Not the Same as My Google

Imagine three people are searching for a chiropractor. One person might see a list of local clinics, another might see articles on the benefits of chiropractic care, and yet another might see blog posts about potential risks.

Why does this matter? Because as a chiropractor, it is important that you have a strategy in place to break into the bubbles of new patients looking for care. If your website isn’t optimized correctly, you might not be appearing in their searches at all—even if they’re looking for exactly what you offer.

How to Reach New Patients in Their Own Bubble

Filter bubbles are real, but the real question is: How can you ensure your chiropractic practice breaks through them and reaches new patients?

Here are some strategies:

  • Optimize for Local SEO: Make sure your website is optimized for local search terms and includes your city, state, and neighborhood. Claim your Google Business Profile and keep it updated with your correct address, phone number, and hours. Encourage your patients to leave reviews, as these can improve your local ranking and help you appear in local searches.
  • Content That Speaks to Your Audience: Write blog posts and create content that answers the specific questions your ideal patients are asking. Think beyond “chiropractor near me” and consider what conditions they’re researching, like “sciatica pain relief” or “how to improve posture.” When your content aligns with what they’re searching for, Google is more likely to show it to them.
  • Variety is Key: Don’t rely solely on Google to reach new patients. Social media, email marketing, and paid ads can get your content in front of people outside of your immediate search bubble. Different channels reach different audiences, expanding your digital reach.
  • Leverage Social Proof: Encourage satisfied patients to share their experiences on social media and tag your practice. User-generated content helps expand your reach beyond your own network, tapping into new audiences and breaking through their unique filter bubbles.

Not Sure Where to Start? Let Perfect Patients Help You Break Through the Filter Bubble

When it comes to digital marketing, one size does not fit all. Understanding the filter bubble and how it affects your visibility is crucial for expanding your reach. While your version of Google might look different from your potential patients’, with the right strategy, you can make sure your chiropractic practice breaks through and gets seen by the right people.

Let’s connect and explore how we can optimize your online presence to reach more people than ever before!