
Facilitating Connection: Authentic Website Content for Chiropractors

Angela Hockabout

By Angela Hockabout

Published July 12, 2024

4 min read

Still struggling to attract new patients? Maybe your website content could do more to authentically represent your care.

Authenticity is the secret ingredient to creating engaging, patient-focused content that sets you apart, drawing the right audience to your practice.

This kind of content goes beyond showcasing who you are—it’s about connecting with your patients by anticipating their needs and concerns.

Evaluate Your Website:

  • Can your ideal patients envision themselves in your office?
  • Are their questions answered quickly?
  • Are there relatable images of people like them?
  • Are there articles addressing their health concerns?
  • Are there testimonials from patients with similar experiences?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, it might be time to makeover your website content for authenticity. This approach prepares your patients to book now without any high-pressure sales tactics—after all, high pressure often leads to distrust from the start.

Read on to learn how to create genuine content that converts website visitors into your biggest fans.


1. Discover Hidden Opportunities with a Self-Audit

A desk top with a clipboard and a cup of black coffeeAsk your friends and trusted patients to review your website and answer a few questions:

  • Based on our website content (copy and images), who would you say our ideal patient is?
  • If you wanted to book an appointment how would you do it?
  • Is there anything confusing or annoying about our website?
  • What do you think is missing from our website?

The answers will point you to where improvements might need to be made. A good website provider will take your feedback and address it.

💡Tip: Looking for more professional advice? Get a free website evalutation from Perfect Patients here.

2. Write in Your Patient’s Voice – Avoid Jargon and Corporate Speak

Speak in a natural, conversational tone. Imagine you’re talking to a patient in person for the first time. This approach helps build a personal connection and makes your content more relatable.

Every chiropractor in your area may be talking about subluxations and fancy equipment. While these are important, they might not set you apart. Speak to your patients’ pain points and offer solutions that resonate with them. Show that you understand their struggles and have the expertise to help them.

💡Tip: Take a moment to write down what you say when you’re explaining care to a patient? Is that reflected on your website? If not, maybe it’s time for an edit!

3. Tell Your Story and Share Your Why

writing deskHumans connect more with stories than they do with facts. Don’t just list your schooling and training on your bio, bring your story to life. Show patients that you understand their pain. It’s your first chance to present yourself as a verified expert on their wellness. Share your business origins, mission and vision.

Talk about that patient who really affected you in chiropractic school, and what you learned from your supervising chiropractor during your apprenticeship.
Balance your expertise with patient concerns for the most authentic approach. Make patients see you for the well rounded chiropractor you are.

💡Tip: Ask trusted patients to share their experiences with you and learn what makes you a great chiropractor. Pepper those stories into your bio.

4. Make Your Patient Feel Understood

Identify and directly address the common pain points your patients face. Whether they are stressed, in pain, or too busy to prioritize their health, acknowledging these issues shows empathy and understanding.

Acknowledge that chiropractic might be something completely new for your patient and take the time to address any worries they might have about trying something new.

Highlight features that can overcome common patient barriers such as time and money. If you offer late hours, weekend appointments, or house calls, make sure these are prominently featured on your site.

💡Tip: Share success stories about each pain point to show that your care can truly help!

5. Check for High-Converting Content Strategies

At Perfect Patients, we follow a comprehensive process to craft high-converting content:

  • Clear Headlines: Grab attention with inviting, informative headlines.
  • Educational Copy: Provide valuable information about your services.
  • Resources for New Patients: Include forms, FAQs, and preparation tips for first visits.
  • Calls to Action: Ensure every page encourages booking an appointment.
  • Mobile Optimization: Make sure your content is easy to read on mobile devices.

💡Tip: While SEO is important, it should never overshadow the need for patient-focused content. Start with creating valuable, engaging content for your audience, and SEO benefits will follow.

Example of Success: Blossom Family Chiropractic

Blossom Family Chirorpactic website showing a chiropractor adjusting a toddler

See all of our recommendations on a real live website: Blossom Family Chiropractic

Blossom Family Chiropractic’s website is a clear example of how to effectively use authentic content. From the welcoming family image to the clear, concise language, every element is designed to connect with parents. They differentiate themselves by focusing not just on back pain, but on overall family health, which sets them apart from competitors.

Interested in other glowing website examples? Check out our favorite designs.


Dive Deeper With Our Content Experts

Book a Discovery Call with us today, and let’s work together to create a compelling, authentic online presence for your chiropractic practice. Connect with us and start transforming your website into a patient-attracting powerhouse!