Australian Spinal Health Week

22-28 May 2023

It’s Spinal Health Week and we want to help you celebrate with your patients! We’ve put together a special communication bundle filled with fun and informative resources that you can share with your patients.

1. Blog

One of the resources included is a brand new Spinal Health Week-themed blog post. It’s called Celebrating Spinal Health Week 2023 you can preview it here.

Please reach out to your Digital Marketing Specialist for assistance with publishing your blog post.

Two people looking at spine model

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2. Social Posts

Hey, it’s time to spread some Spinal Health Week awareness on social media!

We’ve got you covered with three awesome post ideas and matching images that perfectly complement your blog and email content. Just click on the images below to download them and get started.

You can make these posts even more personal and engaging by filling in the blanks where indicated or adding your own unique thoughts to each.

You can also schedule these posts directly from the “Get Social” library in your dashboard.

Let’s celebrate Spinal Health Week together with some special social media posts!

1. Did you know that your spine is responsible for transmitting messages between your brain and the rest of your body? That’s right, your spine is an essential part of your nervous system! Take care of your spine by visiting us during Spinal Health Week. #SpinalHealthWeek #HealthySpine #NervousSystem

2. Maintaining good posture is essential for a healthy spine! Are you guilty of slouching at your desk or while watching TV? Take a break and stand up straight. Your spine will thank you! #PostureMatters #SpinalHealthWeek #HealthyHabits

3. May 22-28 is #SpinalHealthWeek! This year’s theme is “Are #Headaches Holding You Back?” As a chiropractor, we see patients every day who visit us for relief from headaches and migraines. If you’re experiencing frequent head pain, we want to help. Contact us to book a visit!

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3. Email

Are you excited to celebrate with your patients? We’ve got you covered! We’ve created content for a patient email to help you get started. It is ready and waiting for you to preview. You can send it yourself through your website dashboard, or reach out to your Digital Marketing Specialist for assistance.

Don’t Miss Out on Spinal Health Week! – Preview email content (see note below)

Please note: Send yourself a test email to make sure everything looks correct before sending to subscribers.

Need Help? We’re Here

If you want guidance or have questions, simply reach out to us!